Hi there, I wanted to make sure that the fabric choice for this 1960 pattern would work. I decided to do a toile. Also known as a muslin or a mock up. Toile is a funny word. Way back when I was learning to sew, I used to think it was pronounced toil as in work. Because doing mock ups can add to the work load, turning sewing into a toil rather than a pleasure. But it’s actually pronounced Twal. It’s French and means linen. Toile fabric is a bit pricey so another option is Muslin. A cheaper cotton ideal for making test garments. Muslin also gets used in cooking for steaming puddings or for straining ingredients. Only not at the same time obviously. That could get messy. Traditionally, muslin or toile (twal) would have been the go to fabric for all sewing mock ups of cotton and linen garments. However, in today’s modern world of synthetic stretch materials, neither muslin nor toile behave the same way as man made fibers. It’s more com...